We couldn’t do it without our community. Partnering with our local, national, and international businesses and corporations, through philanthropic support,
we are able to continue our mission through event and program initiative sponsorships, or donations of products and services.
Homelessness Is Not One Dimensional.
The Solution Isn't Either.
Individual volunteers are critical in helping with the daily operations of Jackson Resource Center.
To volunteer and/or intern, please see the descriptions of needed positions, then complete the application below. (Please note: Volunteers under the age of 18 will need to have a parent of guardian or adult chaperone present and engaged throughout their volunteer service.)
Special Event Services Opportunities
Volunteers, as time permits, are able to assist with special events and projects, that usually take place during weekday evenings or weekends. Those who are interested, are placed on an email distribution list and notified of upcoming activities.
Administrative Support Services Opportunities
Volunteers are able to provide support to various departments across the campus, assisting with answering and directing phone calls, filing or data entry projects.
Client Interaction Service Opportunities
Volunteers are able to interact directly with individuals who are experiencing homelessness. Opportunities range from facilitating classes to providing hygiene items to clients, as needed. Radical compassion is required, when speaking or engaging with clients in any capacity.
Professional Volunteer and/or Intern at JRC
Adult and Family Case Management serves the needs of individuals and families residing on the Jackson Resource Center Transformational Campus. Each Team supports a caseload of individuals or families with their transition to permanent housing by way of resource navigation, to include referrals to Income and Skills Development and Housing services, to address any barriers to maintaining stable, long-term housing in the community.
Client Services (Campus Relations) is looking for an intern to work set hours to assist with the daily operations of the TC Front Desk, Navigation Center, and Resource Center Front Desk. The intern will assist JRC Staff in entering and recording data, scanning badges, and entering services in HMIS. Intern will be interacting with clients by connecting them to their appointments or providing general information about campus services. Additional duties may involve assisting with facilitating workshops, resource fairs and other campus events sponsored by Client Services.
Client Services (Campus Relations) is looking for an intern to work set hours to assist with the daily operations of the TC Front Desk, Navigation Center, and Resource Center Front Desk. The intern will assist JRC Staff in entering and recording data, scanning badges, and entering services in HMIS. Intern will be interacting with clients by connecting them to their appointments or providing general information about campus services. Additional duties may involve assisting with facilitating workshops, resource fairs and other campus events sponsored by Client Services.
Clinical Services Recovery Team provides services to adults experiencing homelessness with mental health and/or substance use disorders residing on the Jackson Resource Center campus or courtyard. The team is comprised of clinicians, clinical case managers, certified peer support specialists, and a chaplain. Duties include screenings, assessments, housing and income plans, person-centered recovery plans, linkages to benefits and supports on site and in the community. The team works together to provide wraparound services for our clients.
Continuity of Care Transition Services provides wrap around case management services to individuals who are identified as medically fragile and/or having a high need for mental health support. The case management team prioritizes stabilization of identified physical and mental health needs in each client’s housing plan, with the intention of assisting those identified as “high utilizers” of medical and mental health services, or those who could potentially become “high utilizers” to follow and identified treatment plan and to connect to a continuum of care which they were not previously able to access. The program provides intensive, wrap around, case management services that assists with the coordination of medical and behavioral health appointments, identifying appropriate providers, medication coordination and management, connection to benefits or other income assistance, and development of sustainable housing plans. Individuals are identified for the program through University Hospital.
The JRC Executive Team is looking for a research minded intern to assist in collecting, cleaning up, and analyzing data on people experiencing homelessness in Jackson, MS. The intern would have the opportunity to conduct research and analysis to inform planning efforts led by Jackson Resource Center, the local Continuum of Care (CoC500) and other agencies. Intern will also analyze data related to service provision and assist with identifying needs and trends for people experiencing homelessness on our campus.
The Development department is seeking an intern to assist with special projects and general administrative duties within the department. Additional intern duties may include: thanking donors through thoughtful letters; assisting with the coordination of special events; planning donation drives; participating in development strategic planning. They may also assist in communications with internal programs and partners to strengthen collaborative efforts.
The Direct Referral Program (DRP) provides a low-barrier, safe, person centered environment to individuals that have an extensive homeless history and chronic health conditions. DRP is a program designed to truly meet our clients where they are, in the sense that sobriety and participation in mental health services is not a requirement of the program; although, these services are available to program participants upon request. DRP also assists participants with transitioning from homelessness to being housed, encourages participants to become self-sufficient, and gives clients the tools to live as independently as possible. It allows the opportunity for a collaborative effort between community resources, partners of Jackson Resource Center.
Operations is looking for an intern to manage the campus facilities. This would involve organizing custodians and maintenance staff, creating a plan for the custodians, and determining a plan to account for maintenance. The Jackson Resource Center campus is comprised of several buildings full of furniture, electronics, and supplies. It would be part of the intern’s responsibilities to track the inventory and calculate the value of the inventory.
Human Resources is seeking an intern to assist in the development of personnel policies and procedures. The intern would also assist in event planning, helping the HR employees with various tasks, and recruiting by preparing postings, tracking responses, and coordinating interviews.
Jackson Resource Center Intake Department is seeking Social Work, Psychology, and Sociology majors to work as Intake Specialists. The intern would meet with individuals experiencing homelessness as they are being admitted. This internship requires the ability to engage families and individuals to acquire their information, discuss placement options with the client, and provide excellent client service. The intern would also provide timely and accurate documentation of information through HMIS.
The Jail Outreach Program is a fully Peer Support staffed team, which serves individuals who are being released from the Hinds County Detention Center and MDOC. The program allows the opportunity for those participating to have direct and priority access to case management, peer support, behavioral health, education, financial sustainability, and housing services. The team provides case management services and direct referrals to all the fore mentioned services to lead to transition to housing in the community. The team also provides advocacy for clients and supports them in meeting their legal obligations outlined by the courts or community supervision.
The Navigation Center is looking for interns who are able to assist clients with a variety of services that may include navigating the computer, helping clients make emails, resume building, employment applications, etc. Interns would help facilitate different classes as well as create classes they would like to teach the clients. The Navigation Center is a resource/information hub for both clients and staff. Intern would have the ability to help clients learn about different resources available to them at Jackson Resource Center as well as in the community. Position is preferable to Social Work intern’s – bachelor’s or Associate level.
Outreach is looking for an intern to assist them in reaching out to people experiencing homelessness in the community. The intern would be establishing relationships with individuals with possible mental health and substance abuse issues. There would be ample client interaction as well as some supply preparations, such as putting together hygiene kits. The internship has flexible hours and does require some physical activity; walking around downtown.
Spiritual Services is seeking companions to be present for those who reside at JRC, to engage in deep listening, and to possibly pray with them. The intern would meet with clients one-on-one and would offer spiritual care; this would be similar to pastoral counseling or spiritual direction. Seminary students or those with the trained or in training skill-set of presence, listening, and prayer would be ideal for this position.
The Veteran Navigator Program consists of Peer Support and Case Managers, who assist Veterans in navigating the complex network of social services within the community, both through Veteran Affairs and other community partners. Through mentorship, the program assists in the obtaining of previous service documentation, establishing benefits, connecting to medical and behavioral health service providers, and other specialized services. Through these services, the team is able to assist veterans in establishing stability and becoming housing ready.
After your application is submitted, you will receive email instructions to complete an online background check for a cost of $6. After receiving your application and background check, a staff member of Jackson Resource Center will call you to discuss your schedule and volunteer opportunities.
Please note: Background checks are required for all volunteers every two years.
Contact Information
The Volunteer Center Is
Open Monday – Friday 8 am to 4 pm
Please feel free to contact us at
Volunteer Main Line:
Individual/Group Volunteers: